Employee Experience
Regardless of whether you’re just at the beginning your career, considering your options mid-career, or starting to plan for retirement, you should nevertheless have a good career management plan set in place. By this, we mean that you should form a plan that lets others know about your persona. A good career plan does not need to be complicated; it can be short, yet effective. Generally, there are 4 ways that you can go around in your career – up, down, laterally and circuitously.
Employee Experience
It may seem counterintuitive for today’s pressurized employees, but one of the best ways to be happier and more productive in the office is to escape from it. Vacation, with all the benefits it brings staff and employers alike, is finally being recognized as a valuable asset for any company. Whether it’s a week on the beach in Mexico, hiking in the Alps or a trip to Las Vegas, research shows that getting away from it all is good for business.
Employee Experience
This year, it will most probably be impossible to have a Christmas party or celebration event to thank employees for their hard work and dedication throughout 2020. But that doesn’t mean there is nothing you can do to reward your teams! Here are three celebration ideas to close the year with a bang, recognize the efforts of your staff and keep spirits up in these difficult times.
Employee Experience
The Covid recovery phase is defined by several changes that will not just impact but completely transform many aspects of life as we know it. One aspect that is bound to see a drastic transformation is our workplace. For many of us, the remote workplace might become a permanent or at least a long-term reality, while some of us might head back to the office shortly.