How does online payment work ?
Step 1: Pay with Pluxee option can be made available on merchant app/ website with help of RESTFUL APIs offered by Pluxee.
Step 2: No IP / URL whitelisting required for Pluxee online integration.
Step 3: Authorization is done basis the API Keys and merchant credentials issued by Pluxee.
Step 4: Pluxee team will share test credentials (UAT) with the merchant and merchant will integrate the same in their system.
Step 5: Once the Integration is completed, Pluxee will test the UAT environment.
Step 6: Upon successful testing, Pluxee will provide live credentials.
Step 7: Merchant can test live credentials and then go live.
Step 8: Various APIs are available. viz. Transaction Status check, Full/Partial Refunds, Card Balance, Card Tokenization, etc.